Tuesday, January 1, 2013

12 not 4 means 19 not 16

Bahahaha! Joke is on me! I was really impressed with myself last night and all that I had accomplished. After all, I had completed all my tasks (or so I thought), and was enjoying time together with family watching a movie as we waited to ring in the New Year.

Since I have seen the Star Wars movies many times, I decided to check my Facebook page to see if anyone was posting anything interesting. I began reading Quiltville posts about a previous misprint needing 19 5-1/2" squares cut into quarter square triangles instead of the 16 we had cut the other day. Other posters were commenting that they came up short on their quarter square triangles and were confused about making the large pieced triangle units.  This made no sense to me. I had completed my pieced units and had parts to spare.  Perhaps I over cut again. I've done that several times already. It kept nagging at me, so I read and reread the instructions for Clue #7 several times before the light bulb went off. We were to assemble 4 of the smaller pieced triangles and 12 of the larger pieced triangles. Now I get it! I had only done a quarter of the piecing for those large triangle units and would also run short of my green precut pieces. Great! I wanted so badly to go down and cut the missing pieces and piece together my missing 8 triangle units, but I just didn't have it in me. I also had a full round of physical therapy yesterday afternoon and combined with rotary cutting, it can really take a toll. Not to mention that I assembled my new office chair before dinner.

Oh well, it is now New Year's Day and I have had a wonderful night of sleep and am ready to begin this new day and new year afresh! I have now cut the missing quarter square triangles and added in a few other fabrics for more scrappiness and will work to complete these remaining 8 units today.  I have also printed out the final clue for the complete assembly and will work toward the goal of completing the top before my Bee meeting here on January 9. It will be alot of work and I am excited about the final product, but this is the end of college football season and I don't want to miss some of these games!

Happy New Year to all!  I will post my assembly progress of Blocks A and B in Clue #8 as they are completed. Make it a wonderful day.


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