Monday, January 7, 2013

Easy Street Layout

Finally! I completed all of the component blocks and triangles before going to bed last night and decided to wait until this morning to do my layout.  Besides, I needed to move some things around in the basement to have enough room on the floor to get the entire quilt in one spot.  Apparently the design wall is not nearly big enough.

Got some basic chores done this morning and then headed downstairs for the big layout project. I went according to Bonnie's layout direction, starting first with the 16 Block A units on point, then filled in the outside first with the Large triangles and the with the Small corner triangles.  But where were my 9 Block B units? I searched the house for fear that I had set them down somewhere while I was helping my son get some things ready to take back to his apartment. Oh no, did I put them in the trunk of his car? I was frantic! I looked through the leftover fabric, folding and refolding the remaining stash. Nothing. I sat down in my new sewing/office chair on the verge of tears when I realized they were waiting patiently on the design wall where I left them last night. What a relief! I happily took them down and placed them into the holes in the top layout. I moved a few pieces around to eliminate the obvious congregating of same fabrics and I love it!  I did not have time today to sit and sew and think I probably needed the time away from my machine. We could both use the rest.

Here is the current top layout.

Easy Street Layout

I know that I will do some type of border, but can't decide what that will be yet.  At this point, I just want to sew the top together.

I must say that this has been such a wonderful experience. I have never done a mystery quilt before and the only piecing I have ever done is half square triangles using Thangles.

While there are many nose jobs on the beaks of my flying geese and some of my corners do not match exactly, I am very proud of this effort. I know that if I had seen this pattern before hand, there is no way I would have attempted it.  A huge "Thank You" goes out to Bonnie for sharing her pattern and her talents with us and encouraging us along the way.  If only pattern books were written this way, I would do lots more piecing!

Will be posting this to Bonnie's Easy Street Link page.  If you want to check out all the others and their progress, visit it here

Thanks for checking in on my progress.  I'll be posting more as I progress with this and many more projects.

Blessings!  Sharon


  1. Your quilt is looking great! I love your colors.

  2. Your quilt looks great, Sharon. I especially like how the reds in the center blocks stand out from the blue/greys. They make a nice design.

  3. Congrats on your 'near' finish, your top is going to be beautiful. Well worth the effort. No one has ever told me that they would have had a great nights sleep under one of my quilt if only I had NOT cut off the geese. lol

  4. I love the colours in your quilt! You left a comment on my blog (, but your email address isn't available for replies. If you send me a mail, I'll reply to you privately.

  5. Isn't that the worst feeling when you have misplaced quilt blocks and know you have them and can't find them! I have so been there. Love your colors. I like the look of the background, less busy than the black and white prints in mine. Locke wonderful.

  6. hahahaha nose jobs on the geese. I had to go back and read that again. I was very frustrated with my geese and did many over again but when it's all put together you really don't see those mistakes. At least I don't on yours.

  7. I love your colors! I think you did a great job on this quilt. Not sure you really need a border. Your colors are so nice and rich that it almost looks complete in itself. If you do put one one, maybe just a narrow one of the blue to pull it all together. Mine is still in pieces. Am going to try and work on it tonight!

  8. I love how that red pops out at you! Great color scheme!

  9. Your Easy Street is stunning - I love the colours you chose. Your first mystery? Way to go!! This was so much fun wasn't it.
